Joe Rogan's Ice Bath @ JRE Studio: BlueCube Cold Plunge Tub
Joe Rogan now has two ice baths, one in his studio and one at his home.
The BlueCube Ice Bath is located at the JRE studio in his contrast room.
He also has a Morozko Prism Forge at home (now called the Morozko Pro).
The main difference between these two units—BlueCube uses chilling power and flow rate while Morozko makes ice.
What ice bath does Rogan like more? He has expressed multiple times that he loves both of them. However, when it comes to which is more brutal, the clear winner is BlueCube.
BlueCube is More Brutal than Morozko Ice Bath
"One thing that does feel different [between the BlueCube and Morozko] is the movement of water".
- Joe Rogan

Joe Rogan Discussing Thermal Barrier and BlueCube Cold Plunge

The JRE studio has a full contrast center.
Joe Rogan's contrast center was developed as a collaboration between Bluecube and Salus.
He did remember to tag BlueCube afterward! At the JRE studio, guests can take a quick Blue Cube cold plunge before, during, or after their interview with Rogan!